Cambridge staff is recommending council approve planning amendments that would pave the way for a large industrial development made up of two warehouse buildings north of the 401.
At its meeting on Tuesday evening, council will consider staff’s recommendation to approve official plan and zoning bylaw amendments for 229, 235, 239 and 247 Royal Oak Rd.
The proposal would see two industrial mall or warehouse buildings, one at over 18,000 square metres along Royal Oak Road and a 4,100 square metres at the Royal Oak Road and Speedsville Road intersection.
Two accesses are proposed from Royal Oak Road.
The property has four existing single detached dwellings proposed to be demolished. The stone farmhouse at 247 Royal Oak Rd. is not listed or designated on the city’s heritage register but a report noted it “may have potential heritage value.”
The applicant originally intended to retain the structure but the report said has since advised the city of its intention to demolish it based on its condition. The property owner did not consent to staff’s request for a site visit to inspect the condition.
Due to legislative changes through Bill 23, the report said if a notice of complete application has been issued for an unlisted property, it can not be designated until a final determination has been made on the planning application.
The site also has an existing cell tower that will remain.
Following public and neighbourhood meetings held in 2023, the proposal was revised to expand the list of uses not permitted on site, reduced building footprints, increased parking and landscaping buffer for neighbouring properties and the open space was realigned to reflect a natural heritage feature running centrally through the site.
On addressing traffic and safety concerns brought up through the public process, the staff report said a traffic study recommends adding left-turn lanes at Speedsville Road and Royal Oak Road.
City staff are working with the Region of Waterloo to make Speedsville Road a regional road, with the traffic study recommending the region undertake a roundabout feasibility study.
A future corridor widening of Royal Oak Road is on the books in the city’s master transportation plan.
“The City of Cambridge is expecting to accommodate significant employment growth within the current planning horizon into the year 2051,” the report’s conclusion said. “The proposed development represents an efficient use of land and municipal services, creating serviced industrial lands to support a range of light industrial uses.”
These planning amendments will be considered at a council meeting on Tuesday starting at 6:30 p.m. Members of the public who wish to delegate have to register by noon the day of the meeting.