The OPP held their annual open house at their new detachment on Hespeler Road.
The community was invited to come and see how the OPP operates and keeps the local highways safe.
"We are just relieved and feel at home now," said OPP Staff Sgt. Willem Flink who manages the Cambridge detachment.
After a fire burned down their previous location on Beaverdale Road six years ago resulting in $1 million in damages, the local police force needed a new home.
After a temporary stop on Franklin Boulevard, a purpose-built facility was erected on Hespeler Road in 2023, just a few minutes drive to Highway 401.
Flink notes the new headquarters has a sobriety room where they can test drivers as well as test substances found during traffic stops.
There are also three cells on-site to house arrested individuals while they are being processed.
"The great part is we have a lot of room to grow if we need to," said Flink. "This really is a state-of-the-art facility."
The staff sergeant estimates around 10 people are processed through the Cambridge detachment a week.
Cambridge bylaw officers and members of the Waterloo Regional Police Services were also on hand to chat with members of the community.
Manager of Cambridge bylaw John Mattocks is also an auxiliary officer for OPP and is grateful the officers now have a permanent place to call home.
"This is a perfect space for them, it's close to the highway and with the new tools makes their job a bit easier," said Mattocks.
OPP recruitment officers were also available for anyone looking for more information to sign up to become an officer.