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Grand River Pride party makes its way to Main Street in Galt

Residents gathered to celebrate Pride Month on Saturday

Main Street in Galt was packed with members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and allies early Saturday afternoon as the Grand River Pride street party got underway.

The event is one of the highlights of the organization’s calendar.

Those in attendance were greeted by vendors, music and plenty of Progress flags.

For Eric Bolton, co-founder of Grand River Pride with his husband Bryan Causarano, the event is about promoting inclusiveness.

"It's an encouragement to people that really need this," Bolton said.

"I love that it's a time of celebration but for others it's a time of empowerment and I think there's a lot of people even in this town that could really use that. We hope it's an encouragement to move forward and love."

The party will continue until 10 p.m.

For more information on Grand River Pride events visit