In consultation with the Region of Waterloo Public Health, a COVID-19 outbreak has been declared in the in-patient surgery unit (wing B, level 3) of Cambridge Memorial Hospital. A hospital outbreak is declared when two or more patients and/or staff test positive for a respiratory illness that was acquired in hospital within a timeframe that is consistent with the epidemiology of the disease, and when there is a link between the cases.
Two cases were detected, testing positive for COVID-19.
Staff working in the outbreak unit are required to do PCR testing every three days and to have a negative rapid antigen test daily before work. Staff that have been COVID positive at any time in the last three months are not required to do testing unless new respiratory symptoms develop.
In addition, these additional precautions for added safety:
- Enhanced surveillance by increased swabbing and testing non-infected patients and staff
- Enhanced cleaning, especially to high touch areas
- Visits to inpatients have been paused for the entire hospital as of Saturday, Jan. 8. Virtual visits and phone connections for patients and families can be arranged.
The outbreak may be declared over on Feb. 18 if no new cases arise.
The hospital is also in outbreak in three other areas:
Rehabilitation Unit (declared Feb. 6)
- Five patients and no staff have been infected (healthcare acquired infection, HAI) during this COVID-19 outbreak.
- The earliest possible end date is Feb. 16 if no new infections are found.
Medicine B (declared Jan. 19)
- 18 patients and no staff have been infected (HAI) during this COVID-19 outbreak
- The earliest possible end date is Feb. 15 if no new infections are found.
Inpatient mental health (declared Jan. 30)
- Four patients and no staff have been infected (HAI) during this COVID-19 outbreak
- Results from swabs are pending and the outbreak may be declared over today if no new cases are discovered.