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Cambridge mayor readying 2025 budget process under 'strong mayor' guidelines

Public will be invited to delegate on proposed 2025 budget after it is delivered to council Nov. 5
Cambridge Mayor Jan Liggett says she's ready to advance the city's 2025 municipal budget process under Strong Mayor powers.

Cambridge Mayor Jan Liggett, in collaboration with Cambridge city council, will deliver the city’s 2025 Municipal Budget as required under the Strong Mayor Powers and Duties Legislation and will include a comprehensive engagement, communication, and consultation process.

“Throughout my first years as mayor, it was a privilege and valuable learning opportunity to work alongside staff to develop the budget and to educate myself around the processes, pressures, and impacts on the city,” said Liggett in a news release.

“Now that I have the experience, and the support of a strong and capable council, I am pleased to take on the responsibilities that the legislation outlines.”

Under the legislation, as introduced in the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, (Section 284.16 of the Municipal Act), the head of council is required to prepare a proposed budget for the municipality each year by February 1 and must provide the proposed budget to council for council’s consideration.

The process outlines clear timelines and next steps and will provide opportunities for council members and members of the public to be heard as to how they prioritize and value city services during community consultation and formally by council within the first 30 days of the budget being proposed.

“I have invited council members to share feedback and ideas directly as they are hearing it from their communities, and to meet with me individually to create a budget that reflects the many voices from every area of our city,” Liggett added in the release.

“I will be working to bring everyone together around this and will be providing regular updates on how to get involved.”

The City of Cambridge will be creating a Mayoral Budget webpage and will provide information, legislated timelines, meeting dates, and updates on the site.

The proposed budget is anticipated to be delivered to council on Nov. 5, with public delegations slated for Nov. 14.