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Cambridge Chamber honours outstanding community builders with awards

Cambridge Chamber of Commerce’s Cambridge and North Dumfries Community Awards 2023 recognize organizations whose achievements made an impact this year
Winners celebrate on stage at the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce’s Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Awards 2023 on Monday.

The meaningful accomplishments of our local not-for-profit sector and the individuals that play a key role in it were recognized Nov. 13, at the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce’s Cambridge and North Dumfries Community Awards 2023.

Several hundred community leaders and supporters attended the Hamilton Family Theatre to celebrate the impact these groups and individuals have had during the past year.

“These awards are a testament to the commitment and dedication of those in this sector to making our community an even better place,” said Cambridge Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Greg Durocher. “The Chamber is honoured to be able to recognize their efforts in such a public forum.”

Ten awards, including one for lifetime achievement, were presented in a variety of categories highlighting the valuable work undertaken by the volunteers and staff representing nearly 40 various organizations in terms of not only overall impact, but leadership, as well as collaboration.

An independent group of judges selected recipients from among more than 60 nominations, apart from the Community Impact People’s Choice Award which was selected by Chamber Members.

New to the category list this year was the Arts and Culture Award which recognized an individual, ensemble or organization that contributed significantly to the local cultural scene in the past year and was presented to the Idea Exchange: Cambridge Arts Galleries.

Also, the Best Event of the Year Award returned after being sidelined by the pandemic and was given to the Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation for its ‘CMH Reveal’ event. And finally, the Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Kim Fowler, Executive Director of Fiddlesticks Community Centre, to recognize the more than 15 years of significant contributions she has made to the community.

The awards ceremony is one of the Chamber’s most popular events and has honoured the contributions and achievements of these community builders since 2012.

Community Collaboration Downtown Cambridge BIA (Cambridge Wedding Week)

This award is recognizes an organization that provide outstanding examples of collaboration within their communities.

Community Leadership went to Kim Decker – Chief Executive Director, YWCA Cambridge

This award recognizes any exceptional employee of a non-profit organization.  These nominees embody the spirit of the community and, through their actions and accomplishments, are an inspiration to others

Community Impact People’s Choice Award went to Langs Interprofessional Primary Outreach (IPC) Team

This award recognize new and better ways to address a need in the community despite the many demands, and sometimes too few resources available. Their efforts have a positive and meaningful impact on the broader community, resulting in clear and measurable change.

Arts and Culture Award went to  Idea Exchange: Cambridge Art Galleries

The award recognizes either individually, as ensemble or as an organization, have worked diligently and selflessly in a variety of creative, applied, and fine art genres to benefit the community. Their efforts have made a significant contribution to the cultural scene in Cambridge/Township of North Dumfries, while creating access and inclusion to arts and culture.

Best Event of the Year went to Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation ‐ CMH Reveal

This award recognizes a group that has created an event or program which has made a significant impact that increased awareness and/or boosted the bottom line of the organization. The recipient of this award has worked tirelessly to ensure the quality of this event or program has left an indelible mark on their community.

Board Member Award went to David Pyper – Past Chair, Cambridge Memorial Hospital Board

This award is presented to a board member who have demonstrated outstanding service to a not-for-profit organization in City of Cambridge or Township of North Dumfries through the giving of their time, talents, and resources as a board member to further the goals and objectives of the organization.

Volunteer of the Year went to Todd Burnside – Shelter Movers Southwestern Ontario

The nominees were involved in volunteering for the equivalent of at least 100 hours more than a 12-month period. Nominees volunteered for a legitimate not-for-profit organization, service club or community group. The communities of Cambridge/Township of North Dumfries or Waterloo Region must be significant beneficiaries of the nominee's volunteer work. 

Organization of the Year - Under 10 Employees went to  Shelter Movers Southwestern Ontario

This is presented to a not-for-profit organization or service club that provides outstanding programs, services, events or campaigns that support the needs of the community and its residents. This organization successfully raise awareness of issues affecting the community and successfully raise funds to support its mission and goals.

Organization of the Year- 11 and Over Employees went to Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region.

This award is presented to a not-for-profit organization or service club that provides outstanding programs, services, events or campaigns that support the needs of the community and its residents. This organization successfully raise awareness of issues affecting the community and successfully raise funds to support its mission and goals.

Lifetime Achievement Award went to Kimberly Fowler, Executive Director of Fiddlesticks Community Centre

This award is presented to an individual who, over the past 15 years or more, has made significant contributions to the community and has improved the quality of life for citizens or whose accomplishments have brought recognition to the Waterloo Region.