MS Walk shows people affected by multiple sclerosis that they aren’t alone in their journey. It’s an opportunity to come together with the community and walk toward a world free of MS.
Rebecca has been participating in MS Walk since she was diagnosed in 2012. Her team, Not MSing Around, is within reach of raising $100,000 over the course of 10 MS Walks. From the time she was originally diagnosed, participating in this event has made Rebecca’s life and the lives of people around her better.
“When I got a call back about my MRI, my doctor told me to come in and bring a friend, which was just about the worst thing you could possibly hear. I was convinced that I had a brain tumour. My husband, who was still my fiancé at the time, was in Florida, so I brought my best friend. The doctor slid a box of Kleenex across the table as soon as I sat down which wasn’t a good sign.
I was almost relieved when she said I had MS. I didn’t know much about it, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t fatal. I did my research though and knew this disease would still change my life.
Even though I was dealing with symptoms and going through treatment, my husband and I still wanted to help the MS community.
We got married on the weekend of our first MS Walk. Our wedding was on Friday, we had a big fundraiser on Saturday, and then we did the MS Walk on Sunday and raised over $10,000.
The next year, we celebrated our one-year anniversary at the Walk of Champions in San Francisco. I want to raise $20,000 this year, which would put us over the $100,000 mark. We’re walking in Orangeville again and we’re hoping to pull together as many people as we can to join us.
From the first Walk I did in Toronto to last year’s event; it has been great to see so many people showing their support for Canadians living with MS.
They are making such a difference for the MS community. We hope as many people come out as possible!”
- Rebecca, diagnosed in 2012.
On May 29, thousands of Canadians will walk to make a world free of MS more than a dream.
We need your help to make this a reality. Register and fundraise here.