The Provincial Government will require people to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of their vaccination status to access certain businesses and settings starting Sept. 22, 2021. The Region of Waterloo welcomes the decision, which follows requests from local businesses, Regional Council and area municipalities in August.
The request for a consistent approach to vaccine certification echoed increasing calls from residents for a clear and coordinated approach to vaccination requirements to protect against COVID-19.
“I am very pleased to see the announcement this afternoon from the Provincial Government,” said Regional Chair Karen Redman. “On behalf of many voices locally, we advocated strongly for a consistent approach across the province and country. This direction today provides much needed clarity for businesses – the lifeblood of our economy. It is an important move as we continue to push back against COVID-19.”
“Businesses across Ontario and Waterloo Region have been clear – strong guidance and tools like digital vaccine certificates are needed to reopen and stay open,” said Ian McLean, president/CEO of the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce and chair of the Business and Economic Support Team of Waterloo Region (BESTWR). “Vaccinations and proof of vaccinations are critical for keeping businesses open and their employees and customers safe. It’s the right thing to do.”
Vaccination remains the best way for residents to protect themselves, their loved ones, and those who cannot be vaccinated from COVID-19. Anyone who is eligible to receive their first or second dose can do so at multiple locations including, Regional vaccination clinics, doctors’ offices, pharmacies, mobile vaccination buses and home-based vaccine programs.