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VIDEO Hundreds of carved pumpkins get second life

Fiddlesticks Community Centre hosts Pumpkin Walk and gives people an opportunity to show off their carving skills

Normally the day after Halloween, compost bins are filled with pumpkins and decorations from the night before.

A community association in Cambridge gave these pumpkins a second chance to be seen Nov. 1. 

Fiddlesticks Community Centre was lined with the leftover Halloween pumpkins for the first Pumpkin Walk. 

Having seen other walks online, organizer Ingrid Talpak wanted to host an event here in Cambridge. 

"This is great to see everyone come out and look at all of the hard work people have put into their pumpkins," said Talpak. 

According to Talpak there were over 200 carved pumpkins out on display. Characters from Pokémon to The Walking Dead were neatly etched and carved onto the pumpkins. 

Families and community members walked up and down the rows of Jack-o-lanterns and picked out their favourites. 

Talpak wants to see this trend expand beyond Fiddlesticks and reach the other neighbourhood associations in Cambridge. 

Next year, Fiddlesticks is hoping to get even more pumpkins to line the entire driveway and really put on a show. 

"We couldn't be happier with the turnout," said an excited Talpak. "Next year we're aiming for bigger and better."



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