Region of Waterloo COVID update for Wednesday, Aug. 11.
Vaccination in Waterloo Region 802,077 total doses given to Waterloo Region residents; 376,501 fully vaccinated; 83.92 per cent of those 12+ at least one dose; 74.25 per cent of those 12+ fully vaccinated.
Total full vaccinations in residents 12+ needed to reach 75 per cent: 3,816.
Hospitalized in Waterloo Region: 11 hospitalized, 11 in ICU.
Waterloo Region
Positive cases to date: 18,577
New cases: 10
Deaths to date: 285 (-)
Active cases: 143 (-)
Active outbreaks: 11 (-)
Tests completed: 551,012
Cambridge cases to date by neighbourhood
North Cambridge: 194 (-)
Hespeler: 714 (-)
Central Preston: 543 (-)
Lang’s Farm/Industrial: 249 (-)
North Galt/Elgin Park: 691 (-)
Shade’s Mills: 594 (+1)
Southwood/Southwest Galt: 383 (-)
Galt City Centre/South Galt: 521 (-)
Southeast Galt: 413 (-)
Blair: 13 (-)
– all data provided by Public Health