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The Nutcracker returns to Cambridge to mark symphony's 20th anniversary

Forward Church will host the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra and dance founder Michele Hopkins in a performance of excerpts from the famous ballet in tribute to her late husband Dennis McIntyre
Portions of The Nutcracker will be performed with the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra later this week for the first time since 2019.

Many people in Cambridge remember Michele Hopkins and her loving family. Michele an accomplished dancer and teacher, collaborated with the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra in the 2007 and 2008 to combine excerpts of The Nutcracker with the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra for their Christmas concert. 

Each of the following years these were expanded until from 2015-19 the full production of The Nutcracker was produced to audiences of over 1,000 at Forward Church on Franklin Boulevard. It was incredibly successful, and a lot of time, sweat and tears and passion went into the joyous production led by Sabatino Vacca and Michele Hopkins, a tribute to them both.

One of the tragedies of the pandemic was the loss of this production after 12 years. 

For Michele Hopkins, tragically it meant she was unable to teach and had to close her dance studio. At the same time her husband Dennis McIntyre was diagnosed with the terrible disease ALS. It was a very difficult time for the family. They chose to sell their home and studio and move to less expensive home in Wiarton.

Dennis was a visionary and creative genius, full of ideas. He already had installed solar panels on the roof of their home long before anyone else thought of the benefit.

Even as his own life was fading, he found a building in Wiarton and re-designed what was an old, cedar furniture building and Silk Net sewing factory into a home and dance studio for his family. Untold amounts of loving passion and dedication were poured into the construction of a now beautiful home and dance, yoga and healing studio.

As Dennis deteriorated, he became wheelchair bound and totally dependent on his family. They surrounded him with love and the sad but beautiful story led to his death just after his 50th birthday on June 15, 2023, leaving his sense of deep love for his family within the facility he created.

Now in their 20th season Michele, invited by Sabatino, the CSO music director, has agreed to return with her two daughters to showcase excerpts from The Nutcracker. This Christmas concert is at Forward Church, 55 Franklin Blvd., on Friday Nov. 29 at 7 p.m.

It is in memory of her loving husband and father, Dennis. A moving and meaningful tribute.

If you love the Nutcracker, remember Dennis or Michele and her family, please consider attending this to show your support for the family and the CSO .Tickets can be purchased on line at

In Michele's words, “It is the Cambridge Symphony’s 20th anniversary season, and they invited me to provide some excerpts for their holiday concert. I am dedicating this presentation to my late husband Dennis McIntyre for all his love and support throughout the years."

Our daughter Leila will dance as the Sugar Plum Fairy and our younger daughter Iris will play the role of the Snow Queen. I will narrate The Nutcracker excerpts. For over 12 years we have been performing with the orchestra in such a special collaboration of music and dance. Please come out and enjoy this magical holiday event.”

We hope for a full house. A most appropriate opportunity to experience an evening of magic, love and creativity and to honour this wonderful family."


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