Regional council approved the design for a long discussed roundabout and pedestrian underpass on Franklin Boulevard between Bishop Street and Avenue Road last night.
The $22 million project is expected to improve safety and traffic flow at the intersection.
It includes two lanes of traffic in each direction plus a third lane between Can-Amera Parkway and Elgin Street, center medians, multi-use trails on both sides of the road and roundabouts where Franklin meets Can-Amera Parkway and Elgin Street/Saginaw Parkway.
A new pedestrian pathway underneath Franklin at Saginaw will improve safety for the high volume of pedestrians – most of them St. Benedict High School students.
The project will also include watermain upgrades.
Construction is anticipated to move ahead in 2027, after the region acquires land, completes a detailed design and relocates utilities in advance of the work.