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Radha Krishna Mandir holding week-long prayer for groundbreaking of new Cambridge location

Tuesday is when the groundbreaking event will happen and a week-long prayer will begin

This weekend the Radha Krishna Mandir will be preparing its new land for a holy ceremony starting Tuesday morning.

Anyone in the community is encouraged to come out and volunteer their time for the new building. Prakash Narine, the volunteer coordinator for the mandir, said they want to provide a fun and exciting time but at the same time allow everyone to pitch in and play their part. Snacks will also be provided.

Tuesday May 3 is when the groundbreaking event will happen, followed by a week-long prayer. 

"It's going to be an exciting week for us. The Bhoomi Pooja means we give prayers before we officially break ground. After that, we will have a program every night for the remainder of the week and weekend."

On Sunday evening, the mandir will celebrate all the moms with a Mother's Day program, then Monday night, the pooja ceremony will conclude.

"With all of these programs, we are trying to bring together all the different Hindu groups within the community. We have Pandit Ji and guest speakers from West Indies, North and South India, Gujarat, and Suriname. These different groups bring their special messages and their expertise. We are honoured to have all the individuals come and offer their blessing," said Narine.

The new location will be at 85 Boxwood Drive in Cambridge. The 21,000 square feet facility will have a large prayer all. In addition, it will be able to hold wedding events and other celebrations. The facility also comes with a yoga and dance studio.

Narine said, "Music and arts are a major part of the Hindu culture. Whether you are from the Gujrat region or the Punjab region, or the West Indies, we all share the same music, and yoga is something everyone knows about. So, we want this to be an open space for everyone." 

With already such a diverse community, the new facility Narine says the new facility will continue to keep this at the forefront.

"This mandir will accommodate the mid-range people and younger and older devotees. Our community is not only for prayer but also do other things, and this facility will also allow us to be socially interactive.

Donations for the new mandir are still being accepted. Click here to donate


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