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Preston Wastewater Treatment Plant recognized for outstanding performance

Preston is one of only two treatment facilities, out of the 30 in the Grand River watershed, to receive this highest level of recognition
USED 20220504 good morning cambridge dc 2
The view at the Preston Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) awarded the Region of Waterloo with a Gold Recognition award for taking care of the Grand River through outstanding performance of the Preston Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The goal of the Watershed-wide Wastewater Optimization program is to improve the quality of the Grand River by reducing phosphorus and ammonia from treatment plants discharging in the Grand River watershed.

"On behalf of Regional Council and our exceptional staff, we are proud to receive Gold Recognition for the work being done at our Preston Wastewater Treatment Plant,” said Councillor James, chair of the Planning and Works Committee. “Every day, we ensure the water we discharge back into the Grand River meets high standards of quality.”

Each year, the GRCA celebrates those wastewater treatment plants in the watershed that meet performance-based criteria, including voluntary targets for phosphorus and ammonia, through a formal recognition program. 

Preston is one of only two treatment facilities, out of the 30 treatment facilities in the watershed, to receive this highest level of recognition for meeting and exceeding the recognition criteria. Additionally, Ayr, Heidelberg, Kitchener and St. Jacob’s Wastewater Treatment Plants received Silver recognition, and the Waterloo Wastewater Treatment Plant received Bronze recognition.

“The Region has made significant investments in wastewater infrastructure at all our facilities,” said Mari MacNeil, director of Water and Wastewater Services at the Region. “Together with the Ontario Clean Water Agency, we continue to focus on improving the way we treat wastewater to better the health of the rivers and communities within the Grand River watershed.”

The Region of Waterloo is a vital part of the Grand River watershed and works collaboratively with GRCA, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), and other municipal partners to improve wastewater treatment performance through a Watershed-wide Wastewater Optimization Program (WWOP).



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