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Poll: Most favour stricter gun control laws

In an online poll, just over half of readers said that Canada's gun control laws weren't strict enough. Cross-referenced with other polls, the results are revealing
Springwater Township council approved Sunday gun hunting at Wednesday's regular council meeting.

In an online poll, just over half of readers said that Canada's gun control laws weren't strict enough. The remainder were divided roughly evenly between those who said they were too strict and those who said they struck the right balance between freedom and public safety. 

As has been seen consistently in other polls, views were strongly gendered:

Interestingly, the younger a reader was, the more likely they were to have a more libertarian position:

There was a strong difference between northern and southern Ontario:

And sharp differences by party support:

Cross-referenced with a question about how concerned people were about heating their house this winter — which we use as a proxy for economic insecurity more generally — people with less economic insecurity tended to favour stricter gun control:

And people who want their next car to be an EV or hybrid were much more likely to favour tighter gun control:

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