Changes are likely coming to a number of school zones in Cambridge in an effort to ensure student safety, limit stopping and parking, and identify sanctioned drop-off points for buses and students who get driven to school.
City staff is recommending amendments to address requests for traffic control on Osborne Street near St. Gregory Catholic Elementary School, Dando Avenue next to Galt Collegiate Institute, and Saginaw Parkway in front of Saginaw Public School. Changes will also be implemented in the city’s traffic and parking bylaw to reflect existing parking regulations at two other schools.
For Dando Avenue, the city is proposing to prohibit on-street parking on both sides of the street from a point 30 metres west of Water Street to 169 metres west of Water between 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. The signs there now prohibit parking only in the morning.
The request came from GCI’s vice principal to make it a safer environment for pedestrians.
Near St. Gregory, the city wants to establish a school bus loading zone on the south side of Osborne Street, as requested by Student Transportation Service of Waterloo Region (STSWR).
At Saginaw, U-turns will be prohibited in front of the school at the request of STSWR. The change will allow police to enforce any violations.
The city also wants to add the existing “no stopping” rule to the bylaw for Renwick Avenue in Hespeler. No stopping signs are already in place in front of Hillcrest Public School.
The city will also add a school bus loading zone to the bylaw for Gail Street and Avenue Road Public School.
The proposed modifications will require new signs costing about $1,800.