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Captured Cambridge fox heading to rehabilitation facility

A fox caught in a trap by a Preston resident is waiting to be sent to a rehab facility in Nanticoke

Foxes have been a recurring sight over the past few weeks in the Preston area.

Just last night, Connie Bickford posted in the Preston Ontario Facebook group that she had trapped one.

"Unfortunately there are quite a few of the notorious mangy foxes roaming around the Preston area," Bickford wrote on Facebook.

"We are trying to catch more but have only had luck with this one. We will move the trap and keep trying for next one. Keeping fingers crossed!"

The "mangy" comment refers to people thinking the foxes have mange, an infection that involves mites burrowing into the skin.

The Cambridge and District Humane Society confirmed the capture and is preparing to send the fox to Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge in Nanticoke for rehabilitation.

"It was tracked last night, so in those cases, the service confirms with me if we can accept it," Chantal Theijn, authorized wildlife custodian at Hobbitstee, said.

"It should arrive here today by way of a volunteer driver and then we'll go through its health issues."

Theijn said mange is typically a health condition that is secondary to another underlying problem, which her team will evaluate once the fox is in their care.

Rehabilitation can take around eight weeks and then the animal will be released back into the area in which it was found.

"For adults, they get released in a suitable habitat that's within one kilometre," Theijn said.

"For babies, it's within 15 kilometres. Cambridge animal services will provide the location to us."

The Cambridge humane society is urging residents not to approach sick or injured wildlife.

To report an animal in distress, call Animal Services Cambridge at 519-623-7722 extension 231.