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All-way stop coming to Laurel and Lawrence streets

Train tracks complicate the northbound approach on Laurel, requiring a two-phase stop
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The city is responding to concerns about speeding and safety on Laurel Street in Preston by moving ahead with a plan to place an all-way stop at the Lawrence Street intersection.

Staff describe the intersection as unique since train tracks run through on the diagonal and the approach on Laurel is skewed.

Staff conducted a turning movement count to determine traffic volumes and movements through an intersection over an eight-hour period on a typical weekday during the school year. 

The results of the analysis indicate that an all-way stop is close to being warranted at this intersection.

"Due to the volume splits, project future traffic volumes, and sightline restrictions at this location, it is recommended that the intersection be converted to an all-way stop," says a report and recommendation heading to council this week.

The proposed changes to the intersection will include a two-phase stop approach for northbound traffic to ensure vehicles come to a complete stop five metres before the train tracks in accordance with Transport Canada Guidelines before proceeding over the tracks to the all-way stop.

A similar two-phase stop exists at Rogers Drive and King Street West.