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LETTER: Proposed art project a 'shameful' waste of taxpayers' dollars

'It seems like the Region has run out of things to throw our hard earned property tax dollars at,' says the Property Taxpayers Alliance
2022-05-17 typing pexels-donatello-trisolino-1375261
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CambridgeToday received the following letter to the editor from the Property Taxpayers Alliance regarding a proposed art project for an affordable housing complex on Langs Drive.

I am writing on behalf of the Property Taxpayers Alliance in response to an article in CambridgeToday regarding artwork for an affordable housing project on Langs Drive in Cambridge. 

The region’s administration and finance committee will meet this coming week to vote on an approval of up to $150,000 for artwork at this affordable housing project. 

I guess they want residents to stick out like a sore thumb.  Have these councillors and administrators even considered the possibility that those who will be residing in these units might not appreciate the artwork. It’s like putting up a yellow sign saying, hey, this is affordable housing. 

It seems like the region has run out of things to throw our hard earned property tax dollars at and are becoming desperate for new projects. So to appease their desperation they have provided funds to the region’s Public Art Advisory Committee so they can come up with ideas for spending money. 

They are swimming in an ocean of our hard-earned property tax dollars. They are driven to spend every last drop of it, even if those on the receiving end may not want what the region is offering. 

This is simply shameful.

The Waterloo regional government has a spending problem, not a taxation problem

Rande Keffer