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MEET THE CANDIDATES: Michael John Rattee, WCDSB trustee

Michael John Rattee Age: 56 Why are you running for school board trustee? As a parent of a student with special needs in the Catholic Board, I will champion the needs of all learners, especially those who are neuro-diverse and physically challenged.
Michael John Rattee wants to represent Cambridge as a WCDSB trustee.

Michael John Rattee 

Age: 56

Why are you running for school board trustee?

As a parent of a student with special needs in the Catholic Board, I will champion the needs of all learners, especially those who are neuro-diverse and physically challenged. All students should feel valued by their administrators and teachers.

What do you think the role of a school board trustee is, and what attributes do you have to offer?

Trustees need to listen to the needs of parents and local schools, and present those to the Board. Administrators must ensure that educators have enough money and the right tools so they can prioritize student achievement. We should study what the best school boards do and don't do to ensure our graduates are successfully prepared for their next phase of learning.

As you look at education in the years ahead, what do you think are the most important issues?

The top three issues for me: Fiscal responsibility (living within our means),  Traditional God-centred Catholic education (affirming the value of every person made in God's image), The rights and responsibility of parents to shape their child's education (instead of a top-down governmental approach).

Despite any hurdles this past year, what will you do differently to help move WCDSB forward?

I will work collegially with other Board members to ensure that parents and students have a voice in the decisions that affect them. As a spiritual care professional, I emphasize whole-life education, so that students grow intellectually, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually through our schools.


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