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MEET THE CANDIDATES: Linda Brooks, WRDSB trustee

Waterloo Region District School Board trustee candidate says schools need to focus on student well-being after the disruptions of the past two years
Waterloo Region District School Board trustee candidate Linda Brooks.

Linda Brooks 

Why are you running for school board trustee? 

The last two years have been extremely difficult for our kids, emotionally, and academically. I want to see our children return to their classes in an uninterrupted fashion, with priority placed on core educational competencies in the areas where they may have fallen behind with online learning. I'd also like to advocate for more programs to support their overall well-being.

What do you think the role of a school board trustee is, and what attributes do you have to offer? 

Trustees are locally elected representatives of the public that sit on the school board and are the communities advocate for public education. They assist the board in
fulfilling its duties under the Education Act. They focus on student achievement and well-being and participate in making decisions that benefit the students and the board while representing the interests of their constituents.

My background is in quality management and strategic planning. As a senior quality manager, I was involved in policy/procedure writing, strategic planning
and compliance to the quality management systems. These skills are transferable to the educational systems. I am focused, accountable, and collaborative and will seek out the necessary input from stakeholders. I am efficient and effective and loyal to the team and to the cause which in this case, is the students. They must always come first.
As you look at education in the years ahead, what do you think are the most important issues?

First, because students have fallen behind academically, focus should be placed on the core educational competencies to catch them up in these areas. I also think we need to focus on student well-being after the disruptions of the past two years.

There were many in the community who had witnessed difficult relations within WRDSB this past year. What will you do differently to help heal and move forward?

In order to heal, all voices need to be heard on the board. I will listen to all voices with an understanding that we will not always agree but we must work together for the betterment of children. We must put our differences and political preferences aside and work together to give every child the education and opportunities they desire while empowering them to achieve their goals.


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