Cambridge residents will head to the polls to vote in a new city council this fall.
And while some current councillors say they're ready to defend their seat, for others it’s too early to make a decision.
Registration to run for city council opens May 2 and the last day to submit or withdraw a nomination for the Oct. 24 election is on Aug. 19.
Pam Wolf, councillor for ward 5, Shannon Adshade, councillor for Ward 6 and Nicholas Ermeta, councillor for Ward 8, all said they all plan on running and defending their seat on council.
Donna Reid, councillor for Ward 1, Mike Devine, councillor for Ward 2 and Jan Liggett, councillor for Ward 4 all said it was just too early for them to make their announcement when contacted by CambridgeToday.
Ermeta expressed enthusiasm about running again this year.
“Yes I am definitely running for re-election this year!," he wrote in an email. "Serving the community has been such a great honor and there is so much more work to be done!”
Mayor Kathryn McGarry said it's too early to make the call to run again, but according to her office she is expected to make an announcement in the weeks leading up to the opening of nominations. She was elected mayor in 2018.
Mike Mann, councillor for Ward 3 and Scott Hamilton, councillor for Ward 7 did not respond to questions about running again.
According to the city's website, anyone over the age of 18 can file an application to run for city council, but certain requirements must be met.
Candidates must be Canadian citizens, at least 18 years of age, a resident of the City of Cambridge or an owner or tenant of land in the City of Cambridge, or the spouse of the owner or tenant.
Candidates must also not legally be prohibited from voting and not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office.