Work is underway to support the region’s youngest residents and to create equitable opportunities for all children in the community. Children’s Services created the Access and Inclusion Plan outlining the next step in creating a more accessible and inclusive child-care system under the 2022-2026 Early Years and Child Care Service System Plan. It outlines 16 strategic actions that stem from the priorities identified within the broader system plan.
“We are pleased to share Phase 1 of the Children’s Access and Inclusion Plan,” said Barb Cardow, Children’s Services Director, Region of Waterloo. “This gives the community an opportunity to learn more about the equity initiatives underway in Children’s Services. We’re also looking for feedback as we move to develop Phase 2 of the plan. I encourage the community to participate.”
Phase 1 of the Children’s Access and Inclusion Plan was created using recommendations and feedback from the community. It was also created based on the Province’s Access and Inclusion Framework for the early years sector.
There is still work to be done. The region is looking for community feedback to continue this work. To participate, visit
As the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager, Children’s Services is required to develop an approach towards equity and the inclusion of underserved groups. This includes Indigenous, Black, Racialized, families experiencing low-income, and children with special needs.
The plan also aligns with the Region’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan: Growing with Care to provide equitable services and opportunities in the community.