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Public health reports new COVID cases in staff and students at Cambridge schools

A summary of cases reported so far this week in area schools
FILE PHOTO - Preston High School.

Region of Waterloo Public Health has determined that a Preston High School student, last in the building on September 13, is a confirmed positive case of COVID-19.

Close contacts include some staff members and students who have all been notified and directed to self-isolate.

Region of Waterloo Public Health has determined that a staff member, last in the Avenue Road Public School building on September 15, is a confirmed positive case of COVID-19.

Public Health has identified no close contacts of the confirmed case.

Public Health has confirmed a case of COVID-19 in a student at Tait Street Public School who was last in the school on Sept. 16

Close contacts include some staff members and students who have all been notified and directed to self-isolate.

The identity of all individuals is protected by privacy legislation and will not be shared.

The Waterloo Region District School Board has also said it will not be sharing the vaccination status of any staff members diagnosed with the disease.