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Plan of subdivision for north Cambridge proposes 1,200 new homes

Plan would transform 129 acres on Riverbank Drive into mix of low and medium density housing and parkland, including space for a new school

Cambridge could get a big boost toward its 2031 provincial housing target if an application for a new subdivision in north Cambridge gets council approval.

The proposal coming to a public meeting in November seeks zoning bylaw amendments to build a mix of over 1,200 low-and-medium density condominiums and single-detached homes in six phases.

The plan of subdivision for 895 Riverbank Dr., in what is known as the Madison lands between Middle Block Road and Fountain Street North, would see construction of 400 single-detached dwellings, 155 street townhouses, 100.5 back-to-back townhouses, 38 live-work townhouses and 511 rear-lane townhouses.

The subdivision abuts agricultural land to the north where the Fairway Road extension meets Fountain Street, and the North Cambridge Business Park to the south of Middle Block Road.

Although the total unit count is subject to change, the proposal would also set aside about three hectares of parkland in addition to close to five hectares of open space for public ownership.

An off-site stormwater management facility would service the proposed development and a 2.6 hectare elementary school block would be included in a central part of the subdivision to align with a concept identified in the city's secondary plan.

The school block is adjacent to a future community park to the north and a natural heritage area to the east which will to provide direct access to future "programmable areas," the report says.

The justification report included in the application says all collector roads within the Madison lands are proposed to be built within the first phase of development.

KLM Planning Partners Inc. has been retained by Madison Riverbank Holdings Limited for the project.

The application requires a zoning by-law amendment as the subject lands are currently zoned Agricultural – A1 and Rural Residential RR1 under the City’s Zoning By-law No. 150-85.

The application to rezone the lands would implement the proposed land use designations within the Draft North Cambridge Secondary Plan by rezoning from the A1 zone to open space, institutional for the elementary school, and residential.

Site-specific exceptions are also proposed to permit the proposed buildings.

The applications will be presented at a public meeting set for Nov. 14 at 6:30 p.m.

Anyone interested in providing comments regarding the proposal can do so by submitting written comments to senior planner Michael Campos at [email protected].

Those who wish to delegate at the public meeting can register here.


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