A new north Cambridge elementary school is one step closer to becoming a reality.
The Waterloo Region District School Board has submitted a business case for the school under the Ministry of Education's 2024-25 Capital Priorities Program.
An addition to Huron Heights Secondary School and a new elementary school and child care centre at Rosenberg Way at Gehl Place, both in Kitchener, are also among the board's submissions.
Business cases describe the current situation, the project rationale, scope, funding and estimated cost.
Submissions were outlined in an agenda package given to WRDSB board of trustees prior to their meeting on Monday.
The new school would be located on a 7.02 acre property on Equestrian Way with a capacity of 620 and serve Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8.
The move comes a week after the Waterloo Catholic District School board made a similar request for a new 527-seat school to serve the River Mill subdivision, calling the need "urgent and critical" to relieve pressure on St. Gabriel Catholic school, which is accommodating students in eight portables this year.
The ministry's Capital Priorities Grant Program allows schools the opportunity to address accommodation pressures, school consolidation, facility condition and access to French language schools.
The public board's Cambridge project is being requested under accommodation pressures.
When analyzing submissions to do with accommodation pressure, the ministry prioritizes utilization equal to or greater than 100 per cent, including capacity available in nearby schools, in the fifth year after opening.
An update on several other projects were part of the report put before trustees, all of which are potential future Capital Priorities Program submissions through the board's 2020-2030 Long-Term Accommodation Plan.
A new Cambridge elementary school on Bismarck Drive has been deemed premature as a comprehensive review of facilities, boundaries and schematic design is still required.
The facility addition at Grandview Public School is also premature and a boundary review has been recommended.
An addition at Clemens Mills Public School didn't meet the proper criteria and has been listed as ineligible for 2024-25.
The facility addition at Parkway Public School failed to meet the criteria due to available capacity in the area.