Four residential properties that slope down toward Highway 401 from Royal Oak Road, next what is considered "one of the largest employment nodes" in Cambridge, could soon be home to another development that brings jobs to the city.
FNF Enterprises Inc. is proposing to redevelop the combined 9.3 hectares into two warehouse style buildings as part of the Boxwood Industrial Park.
The application to the city asks that the site be redesignated for business industrial land use, and re-zoned to the M1 zone with site-specific regulations relating to the parking supply.
The site is directly across from Trademark Industrial and is bordered on the east side by Speedsville Road, bisected by West Creek and surrounds two other residential properties.
The development justification report submitted by the applicant's planning consultant, GSP Group, says the proposed development, including buildings, parking and stormwater pond would be built outside of the natural feature and two separate accesses are proposed from Royal Oak Road.
The site is comprised of four properties: 229, 235, 239, and 247 Royal Oak Rd and each property features a single-detached dwelling.
Three would be demolished but the home at 247 Royal Oak Rd., which is the largest property, features a single detached home towards the rear of the property and would be retained.
Building A would front the west side of the property along Royal Oak Road with a 17 metre setback for employee parking. It would feature about 18,755 square metres of space. Trucks would load at the rear area of the building, screened from view from the public realm.
Building B would be located at the intersection of Royal Oak and Speedsville roads and is designed to be approximately 4,850 square metres in area. Surface parking is located along each of the frontages, providing a small buffer between the building and roadways. Load areas would be located in the back.
The city has not set a date for a public meeting on the proposal.