Cambridge has established itself as a Tree City of the World with programs like 'Free Tree Day' and that distinction is continuing this fall.
The city is once again handing out free trees to Cambridge residents this Sept. 28 at Duncan McIntosh Arena from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Registration is open from Sept. 23 at 9 a.m. until Sept. 25 at 2 p.m. All trees are available on a first come first serve basis and city workers will not be reserving trees for individuals.
"Three native tree species are available to choose from, while supplies last. Each are approximately one meter tall," said the city on its website.
"Plant a tree on your property to improve air quality, fight climate change and increase property value."
The city-run program has been a massive success as they hand out close to 400 trees each year.
“Most of our trees went within the first couple hours of opening. I think people are becoming more interested and understanding the benefits of the tree canopy and helping the environment," said Kristen Grittani, forestry technician for the City of Cambridge to CambridgeToday in a previous interview.
The goal is to increase the city's tree canopy and add to the Tree City of the World moniker.
The city is following the same rules are previous years where applicants must prove they are a resident of Cambridge and only be one tree given per address and per person. The trees must also be planted on private property.
Residents are also responsible for the maintenance, planting and care of the trees.
This year there are three native species being offered: serviceberry, bitternut hickory and Ohio buckeye.
The city reminds residents to call before they dig to make sure no services lines such as water, gas or electrical are being disrupted.
For more information on how to register, please visit the city's website.