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City seeking input to inform its arts and culture master plan

Residents are asked to join one of three community open house events to share thoughts, experiences, and visions for the future of art, culture, and events in Cambridge

The city is asking residents to weigh in on the future of arts and culture in Cambridge.

Residents are asked to join one of three community open house events to share thoughts, experiences, and visions for the future of art, culture, and events in Cambridge.

The community open house events will take place in-person at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts on November 29 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. and again from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.

A Virtual open house will be held on Dec. 5 from 12 p.m. until 2 p.m.

“This is a projected master plan that was in the works by the City of Cambridge, but we are definitely looking for community support next week and on Dec. 5,” said Wanda Schaefer-Stilling, supervisor of Recreation, Arts, Culture and Events for the City of Cambridge.

“We want to hear from all walks of life in Cambridge. We want to hear about the person who loves to attend theatre, not just the artist in the production. We want to talk to the moms who take their children to events or want more events in the city.”

Feedback received will inform the development of a new Arts and Culture Master Plan.

This strategic document will guide the City of Cambridge to achieve goals for developing and enhancing culture services, facilities, public art, programming and events over the next ten years.

The Arts and Culture Master Plan outlines the Recreation and Culture division’s vision, mission, strategic priorities, and recommendations for developing and enhancing these services, in the City of Cambridge.

The City of Cambridge has partnered with the consulting firm, Nordicity, to revise the current plan and to facilitate the upcoming open houses.

According to the City of Cambridge, the firm has expertise in arts and culture strategic planning.

Schaefer-Stilling says the open houses will offer opportunities to also hear from performers on the stage, and from artists that might be working in their basements, creating great works of art.

“We want to see how they can better grow themselves as artists if we have certain infrastructure in place, or maybe they know best practices in another municipality that might work in Cambridge. We would love to hear about it,” Schaefer-Stilling said.

“This can contribute to a better Cambridge and better future. I am hoping that we will have a large mix of participants and artists. We encourage all ages including youth, moms and dads, and seniors. We want to hear from everyone.”

Further opportunities to provide input will be available through an Engage Cambridge survey, currently planned to launch in the new year.

Project primary stages:

  • Completed by early 2023 - Defining the current state of culture involving the completion of stakeholder meetings and research.   
  • Spring/Summer 2023 - Plan development and endorsement.
  • Summer 2023 - Information sessions, refinement and adoption of the plan. 

For more information visit here.



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