Nutrition for Learning offers universal access student nutrition programs in schools across Waterloo Region. Our healthy food programs impact the physical, cognitive, behavioral, and academic needs of children and youth in our community. We are a registered charitable organization first established in 1997 (#880648142RR0001) and support 150 student programs in all three school boards. (WRDSB -Waterloo Region District School Board, WCDSB -Waterloo Catholic District School Board and the French Language Public School Board)
The Why?
Our mission is to support the overall well being of students and their ability to learn by ensuring that every student can attend school well nourished.
One in five children will not eat breakfast today – “Breakfast Clubs of Canada”
When HUNGRY MOMENTS are recognized and satiated a basic need is met.
Proven Success
Research shows that students have trouble learning when they are hungry at school. They are better able to focus and learn if they eat nutritious meals and snacks.
Our Goal
Our GOAL is to provide nutritious food within reach of all students regardless of socio-economic background. Together we can ensure that the children in our community attend school well nourished and can focus on learning.
There is a need
Only 1/3 of adolescents eat enough fruits and vegetables
” Waterloo Region School Health Report ”
Everyone is welcome with our universal access to our programs
Our Programs
Student Nutrition programs at school play a major role in building a community of students that nurture the potential in each other with healthy food options for any hunger moment and offers an equal chance of success in the classroom for all children and youth.
Teachers – Volunteers – Administrators see the impact in the classroom daily